Fagro MultiChelating Technology.

In the Chelates article we describe in a general way this way of preparing the nutritional elements for greater stability and absorption by plants. We also comment that there is an interesting variety of types of chelates and that it will depend on the type of nutrient and type of soil to choose one or the other.

Well, at Fagro’s Group, for several years, we have taken on the task of seeking to formulate highly efficient chelated products that are kind to the agricultural producer, to make it much easier to choose the type of chelate. This is how the MultiChelating Technology was born.

The MultiChelating Technology is a platform from which different highly efficient, stable and safe products have been developed for their application in different crops.

The MultiChelating Technology combines the complexing action of EDTA, Lignosulfonate (a product from an organic source) and Fulvic Acid, which together completely stabilize the nutritive metallic elements and reduce their interaction with other elements and soil particles; making these are optimally released to the soil solution and the plants can take them without further wasting energy.

The Fagro products that have this Technology are:

Kelatop CaBo: Fertilizer with a high balanced concentration of Calcium, Boron and Molybdenum with fulvic acids. It is a product with a liquid formulation, recommended to be used mainly in the flowering and fruiting stages of fruit and vegetable crops.

Kelatop Multimetal: Highly soluble solid fertilizer formulated with a balanced concentration of Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Copper, present in multi-chelated form and also enriched with fulvic acids to increase its use by plants.

Kelatop FeZn: It is a solid foliar fertilizer specialized in preventing and correcting iron and zinc deficiencies in the indicated crops. It is a perfectly chelated formulation enriched with fulvic acids, which makes it ideal as a complement in the nutritional programs of crops.

Kelatop Zinc 25%: Highly soluble solid fertilizer formulated with a high concentration of Zinc, present in chelated form and enriched with fulvic acids to increase its use, assimilation and movement within the plant.