Water management in agriculture

All farmers know that without water there is no crop. That is why it is of the utmost importance to know how to administer the correct irrigation when the plant needs it. Too much water can be worse than too little water.

Having a better understanding of when to start and stop irrigation helps the farmer protect their most important resource. Knowing this information, the farmer can plan when to activate his irrigation system when the plants need it, thus avoiding fertilizer leaching and to save energy without sacrificing quality and yield.

And how do you define the correct amount?

With the help of soil moisture sensors that are inserted at various depths in the soil, information on the daily consumption of crop water within the different soil layers can be extracted, as well as with Evotranspiration data)

This information can be used by the farmer to determine the optimal irrigation timing. With this support, decision making is aided to help prevent damage due to drought stress as well as damage caused by excessive irrigation.