Why is it important to use disease models in agriculture?

Disease prediction

Because the climate is changing, farmers must use fewer fungicides etc. due to economic or legal reasons. But some diseases are difficult to control and the exact timing of fungicide application is very important to keep diseases under control.

For this, in agriculture 4.0, different prediction models for plant diseases are developed that help the producer to comply with legislation and to have a healthy crop. These prevention models are based on research work by scientists and universities, measured with very precise sensors. Currently more than 85 disease models have been developed for more than 40 different crops.

The use of these disease models can help prevent them since alarms of their possible presence are generated. Thus achieving a more efficient application of fungicides or other inputs, reducing the use of spray and achieving higher yields and better crop quality.

Why is it important to use disease models?

  • Because crops can be protected early in the most critical growth stages.
  • Because crop losses can be prevented.
  • Because you can treat less and only when necessary.
  • Because it is easier to decide what actions to take on the plot and when to take them.
  • Because some diseases are difficult to control and the timing of treatment is crucial.
  • Because farmers need to apply fewer treatments due to economic and legislative reasons.