Photosynthesis, an essential process to activate when a plant decreases its energy.

Vegetables are very easily stressed; With stress, many of its processes are diminished in order to survive. One of those diminished processes may be photosynthesis, which, if diminished, can lead to serious energy problems in the plant.

Photosynthesis in the process by which plants transform light energy into chemical energy, that is; inorganic components are transformed into organic. For photosynthesis to take place, the following elements are needed: Sun (solar energy), Carbon dioxide (CO2) that enters through the stomata of the leaves, Chlorophyll, Water and mineral Nutrients (absorbed by the roots).

At the end of photosynthesis, glucose is produced, a base carbohydrate to react with other compounds and form other organic molecules and Oxygen is released, which is incorporated into the atmosphere and is essential for other organisms that are of the heterotrophic type.

In the luminous phase the following process occurs:
In the chloroplasts of the cells, the chlorophyll (green pigment of plants) absorbs photons from sunlight, this light energy in the form of photons, breaks down the water into Oxygen and Hydrogen, releasing the Oxygen and generating 2 molecules, by means of of the movement of its electrons from one level to another, releasing energy to produce the ATP molecule and the reducing power that is the NADPH2 molecule that will provide the next phase with chemical energy for the transformation of CO2 into carbohydrates.

In the dark phase the cycle is completed:
In which light is no longer involved and the molecules formed in the light phase (ATP and NADPH2) participate in the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) through a series of reactions, the “Calvin Cycle” in which CO2 is combined with RDP (ribulose diphosphate) to form PGA (phosphoglyceride acid). PGA is combined with NADPH2 and ATP so that water is released, PGAL is formed for plant nutrition, glucose is produced from PGAL, this sugar dissolves in water and travels throughout the plant providing it with the energy necessary to grow.

For the photosynthesis process to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to have all the nutrients that the plant needs, in addition to biostimulation, a good photoperiod and water.

For plants that have adequate photosynthetic rates, at Fagro we have designed the S.O.S. Vegetables, a kit of products specifically designed for times when the crop goes through times of low photosynthesis.

The package consists of the following products:

Proroot: Powerful rooter with a high amount of Auxins and Phosphorus (P), for a rapid emission of crop roots and high assimilation of nutrients from the soil, it activates stressed plants with little root.
GreenTop: It has all the nutrients that the plant needs in the concentrations that the plant can quickly assimilate in critical stages of low photosynthesis, fast action. Added with a vitamin and an amino acid.
Kelatop Fierro-Zinc: Chelated fertilizer based on nutritional elements that activate the photosynthesis of the plant and the correct supply of energy.
Impulssor Vegetal: Phytohormonal bioactivator, based on the 3 most important phytohormones of the plant, a vitamin, an amino acid and nutrients to achieve the boost that the crop needs.