Nematodes. What are they? and how to control them.

Nematodes are tiny worm-like critters that live in the soil. Most of these organisms do not represent any threat to agriculture, since they feed on fungi, bacteria and other organisms.

However, there are some that do represent a risk for vegetable production because they feed on their roots.


Problems caused by nematodes.

Nematodes manage to enter the root and live inside it, or they can feed outside of it. And since they live underground and their size is tiny, it is very difficult to see them with the naked eye, this makes diagnosing a nematode problem difficult. In general, plants infected with Nematodes present some of the following symptoms:

  • Plants show reduced growth
  • The leaves show chlorosis
  • Problems with plant maturity can be early or late
  • Although soil moisture is appropriate, wilting occurs
  • In the root can be observed, lesions in the form of black dots, reduced growth, knots or galls appear, swelling of the roots

Main species of nematodes

MeloidogyeGalls on roots, weakening of the aerial part.Vegetables, fruit trees, cereals and legumes.
PratylenchusInjuries and destruction of roots, weakening of the aerial part.Vegetables, fruit trees, cereals and legumes.
Globodera, HeteroderaNecklace beads on the plant, weakening of the aerial part.Vegetables, fruit trees, cereals and legumes.
DytilenchusDistortions in leaves and bulbs.Vegetables (onion).
Tylenchulus semipentransGeneral weakening of the plant.Citrus.
Xiphinema, LongidorusGeneral weakening of the plant. Virus transmission.Vines, fruit trees.
Trichodorus, PratrichodorusGeneral weakening of the plant. Virus transmission.Numerous crops.
AphelenchoidesDistortion and necrosis of leaves.Rice, strawberry.
AnguinaDeformations in spikes and grains.Cereals.


Fagro as an expert in Pest Biocontrol has Nemabiol® Plus. It is a nematicide of nemabiol-plus Bacillus subtilis + Trichoderma harzianum organic origin, derived from Castor extract and multibacterial complex (Bacillus subtilis + Trichoderma harzianum).

The components of the product alter the permeability of the membrane, causing an imbalance in the internal metabolism of the nematode. In addition, they block the supply of substances necessary for their growth.

Castor oil (Ethyl Dodecanoate), has the ability to adhere strongly to the amphidia of phytoparasitic nematodes, thus modifying their chemotactic behavior.

It belongs to the group of ribosome-inactivating proteins, RIPs, type 2, which are characterized by having two polypeptide chains: one capable of inhibiting protein synthesis in the ribosomes and another with lectin properties, that is, capable of binding to carbohydrates. of carbon.

Products against nematodes