Fulvic Acid as a complement in the management of saline soils.

Humic substances or humus are complex molecules of black or dark brown color, with high molecular weight, colloidal and hydrophilic properties, ionic adsorption and desorption capacity, release of nutrients in the medium and long term. These humic substances are classified based on the solubility of their components in solutions of different pH. This results in four fractions: fulvic acids, humic acids, himatomelanic acids and humins.

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Fulvic acids are the fraction of humic substances that are soluble in alkaline and acid media. It is the smallest part of the humic substances. Due to their great abundance of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups, they are very chemically reactive, resulting in a high cation exchange capacity. Due to their small size, fulvic acids are more likely to be absorbed by plants, both by the roots and by the leaves.Fulvic acid stimulates plant growth, increasing its vigor, stimulates absorption and promotes penetration and transport active ingredient of nutrients at the fundamental membrane level of foliar and root cells, which acts as a promoter of plant growth.

In plants, fulvic acid stimulates metabolism, provides respiration, increases protein metabolism and the activity of multiple enzymes, increases the permeability of cell membranes, cell division and elongation, collaborates with the synthesis of chlorophyll, tolerates drought, benefits crops, stabilizes soil pH, contributes to electrochemical balance.

In soils with salinity and sodicity problems, due to the accumulation of elements and compounds and the displacement of others such as Calcium, the presence and assimilation of nutrients is drastically reduced.

IONI-COH is an improver of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of agricultural soils and a precursor for the use of nutrients in foliar and edaphic applications.

IONI-COH is composed of minute particles of organic acids (Fulvic and Carboxylic); in the soil, these particles have the ability to attract nutrients, group them and make them available to the plant, thus avoiding their loss due to physical and chemical factors.

Biologically, IONI-COH acts as a precursor to the microbial balance of soils (prebiotic), by promoting the ideal characteristics for the development of beneficial organisms.

In foliar applications, it potentiates the effect of macro and micro nutrients and reduces the negative interactions between them; increases the rate of absorption of these by plants, increasing the speed of absorption and translocation.


  • Increases the absorption and use of Macro and Micronutrients in the soil.
  • Increases the Cation Exchange Capacity of the soil.
  • With its frequent use, the phenomenon of soil compaction is reduced.
  • Creates an optimal environment for the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.
  • Potentiates the effect of nutrients in foliar applications.
  • It contributes to reducing the amount and frequency of fertilizer application as it increases its efficiency.
  • Promotes healthy root development.
  • Useful in the management of saline and sodic soils.