Do you need your vegetable crop to give you an extra cut?

On many occasions it is necessary to require one or two extra cuts from a vegetable crop, specifically fruit vegetable crops. One of the most important reasons to look for an extra cut in a vegetable will generally be due to economic reasons when the sale price is very attractive.

In order to achieve the above, 3 issues will be important:

  • Nutritional management: the crop had to be under optimal nutritional management and during its cycle preferably not have undergone major nutritional deficiencies that could have affected the correct development of organs.
  • Bioregulation management: it will be necessary to apply exogenously certain growth regulators that promote flowering and/or mooring even when the crop is entering an advanced stage and in some cases promote the blocking of phytohormones that the plants produce towards their cycle closure, such as the ethylene.
  • Stress management: it will also be important to have the crop free of abiotic and biotic stress, considering that there will be some stress due to the stage in which the crop will be, in flowering and fruiting.

For this case, Fagro has designed a package, the SOS Vegetable Package, which, applied in this final stage, can promote flowering and fruiting to seek an extra cut.

The package consists of the following products:

  • Proroot: Powerful rooter with a high amount of Auxins and Phosphorus (P), for a rapid emission of crop roots and high assimilation of nutrients from the soil, it activates stressed plants with little root.
  • GreenTop: It has all the nutrients that the plant needs in the concentrations that the plant can quickly assimilate in critical stages, of fast action. Added with a vitamin and an amino acid.
  • Kelatop Fe-Zn: Chelated fertilizer based on nutritional elements that activate the photosynthesis of the plant and the correct supply of energy.
  • Impulssor Vegetal: Phytohormonal bioactivator, based on the 3 most important phytohormones of the plant, a vitamin, an amino acid and nutrients to achieve the boost that the crop needs.