General phenology of Cucurbitaceae.

General phenology of Cucurbitaceae
General phenology of Cucurbitaceae

According to Feller, et al, 1995, the phenological phases of cucurbits (Cucumber = Cucumis sativus L., melon = Cucumis melo L., pumpkin, marrow, squash = Cucurbita pepo L., calabash = Cucurbita pepo L. var. giromontiina Alef./Greb, water-melon = Citrullus var. vulgaris Schad.), are the following:

Sowing and emergence of seeds:

In this stage, the seed is placed directly on the ground or in trays with substrate for its germination and subsequent transplantation in the field. At this stage, phytosanity is of the utmost importance, both in the seed and in the substrates to be used. The use of sporicidal sanitizing products that help both to control fungi and bacteria is recommended. Subsequent treatment with inoculants such as Tricherma spp., Bacillus subtillis and mycorrhizal fungi is also recommended.

Stage Description

001 Dry Seed

003 Beginning of the imbibition of the seeds.

005 Emergence of the radicle.

007 Hypocotyl with cotyledons breaking through the seed coat.

009 Emergence: cotyledons break through the soil surface.

Seedling development, Transplantation and vegetative development.

This is a very important stage in cucurbit crops, it is where the transplanted or developed plant (with true leaves) defines its structure for fruiting and can become very fast, for example in zucchini crops. For this reason, it is recommended to apply inoculating treatments to seedlings for transplantation and, once in the field, to supply products based on NPK and fully available chelated microelements.

Also at this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of virus resistance inducers, since as is known, cucurbits are susceptible, mostly to phytopathogenic viruses, especially those transmitted by vectors such as the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci).

Major Growth Stage 1: Leaf Development

100 fully unfolded cotyledons
101 First true leaf on main stem fully unfolded
102 second true leaf on main stem unfolded
103 third true leaf on main stem unfolded
109 9 or more leaves on main stem unfolded (2 digits)
110 tenth leaf on main stem unfolded
119 leaf 19 on main stem unfolded

Vegetative Development.

Vegetative development in cucurbits is continuous and dynamic, as well as in the previous stage, the addition of nutrients, both macro and micro, resistance inducers, preventive fungicides and bactericides, and proper management of insect pests is necessary.

Main growth stage 2: formation of lateral shoots

201 First visible primary side shot
202 Second primary side shot visible
209 9 or more visible primary side shoots
221 Second side shot first visible
229 9th Visible Secondary Lateral Launch
231 First visible tertiary lateral launch

Flowering and fruiting:

This stage is also dynamic and occurs at the same time, both flowering and fruiting and fruit development, in hermaphrodite plants, generally the male flower is the first to appear, at this time, the care mentioned in the previous stage is still important. , plus the addition of Potassium and Calcium to promote the correct development of fruits and Boron plus Molybdenum and amino acids to ensure pollen viability.

Main growth stage 5: appearance of inflorescence

501 First initial flower with elongated ovary visible on main stem
502 Second initial flower with elongated ovary visible on main stem
503 3rd initial flower with elongated ovary visible on main stem
509 9 or more flower initials with elongated ovary already visible on main stem
510 10 or more flower initials with elongated ovary already visible on main stem
519 19 or more flower initials with elongated ovary already visible on main stem
521 First visible initial flower on a secondary shoot
531 First visible initial flower on a tertiary lateral bud

Main Growth Stage 6: Flowering

601 First open flower on main stem
602 Second open flower on main stem
603 3rd open flower on main stem
609 9th flower open on main stem or 9 flowers on main stem already open
610 open 10th flower on main stem or 10 flowers on already open main stem
619 19th open flower on stem of man or more than 19 flowers on main stem already open
621 First flower on secondary side shoot open
631 First flower on tertiary side shoot open

Main growth stage 7: fruit development

701 The first fruits on the main stem have reached the typical size and shape
702 Second fruit on main stem has reached typical size and shape
703 The third fruit on the main stem has reached the typical size and shape
709 9 or more fruits on main stem have reached typical size and shape

721 The first fruit on a secondary secondary shoot has reached the typical size and shape
731 The first fruit on a tertiary lateral shoot has reached the typical size and shape