Category «Agriculture»

Use and benefits of the castor bean or castor oil plant extract

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The Castor bean or castor oil plant (Ricinus Communis L.) is a euphorbiaceae that can contain many benefits for its use in agriculture. Shrub plant, its most important chemical compounds are ricin, ricinin, lipase, ricinolein, proteins, stearin, palmitin, ricinoleic acid, isorricinoleic acid, toxystearic acid, chymases (Chiej, 1990). Use of the Castor bean or castor oil …

Cottony scales.

Cottony scales.

The cottony maple scale is one of the most numerous and conspicuous soft scale insects that attack ornamental plants. Symptoms of the cottony scale. It begins by colonizing the most hidden parts of the plant, thus protecting itself from unfavorable weather conditions. However, due to its eating habits, it causes chlorosis and malformations in the …

Fulvic Acid as a complement in the management of saline soils.

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Humic substances or humus are complex molecules of black or dark brown color, with high molecular weight, colloidal and hydrophilic properties, ionic adsorption and desorption capacity, release of nutrients in the medium and long term. These humic substances are classified based on the solubility of their components in solutions of different pH. This results in …

Stress in flowering and how to manage it.

Stress in flowering

Plants go through different stages throughout their development and growth. These phases, which are well differentiated from each other due to different physiological, metabolic and morphological events, are known as phenological stages and each one of them has its particularities; from germination, emergence, vegetative development, flowering, fruiting and maturity, in some that are annual, after …

Foliar disinfection of plants

Foliar application of Purex Biosanitizer

Hydrogen peroxide stabilized with peracetic acid leaves no toxic residue and is 100% biodegradable. This meets the growing demand for ecological inputs in the sector. Hydrogen peroxide in agriculture has multiple applications: kill pests that decimate crops, oxygenate substrates and roots, speed up the germination process and stimulate plant growth, among other things. Hydrogen peroxide …

Chemical-Oxigenation of the soil

Chemical Oxigenation of the soil

Soils often have poor oxygen levels on farmland. Poor performance in the field and reduced plant yield. Therefore, to aid cultivation in soils with optimal water use, the application of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is efficient in imparting oxygenated environments. Plant roots like plants obtain oxygen from the gaseous phase of the soil and from dissolved …