Facing the Red Spider Mite: Strategies to Protect Our Crops

Introduction: In the realm of crop protection, one of the smallest yet most destructive adversaries is the red spider mite, scientifically known as Tetranychus spp. This mite, often unnoticed until damage is visible, can wreak havoc on a variety of plants. Let’s delve into how to recognize, prevent, and control this tiny yet formidable foe. …

Aphids in Agriculture: Strategies for Effective Management

Aphids, small insects belonging to the Aphididae family, can cause serious problems in a wide variety of crops. In this article, we will delve into the world of aphids, understand how they affect our plantations, and explore the best practices for their control. What are Aphids? Aphids are small sap-sucking insects that feed on plant …

What are the phenological stages or phases of development in plants?

Plant phenological stages are the various moments or phases that plants go through during their life cycle in response to environmental changes, especially those related to climate. These stages may include germination, vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting, and fruit ripening. Phenology is important for understanding how plants respond to their environment and for optimizing agricultural practices …

Drip Irrigation – Irrigation Systems

El sistema de riego por goteo es una técnica de irrigación altamente eficiente que suministra agua directamente a la base de las plantas, gota a gota, a través de una red de tuberías y emisores. A diferencia de otros métodos de riego que dispersan el agua sobre toda el área, el riego por goteo proporciona …

Sprinkler Irrigation – Irrigation Systems

Irrigation by sprinkling is a widely used method in agriculture and landscaping, which consists of dispersing water over the crop area or land in the form of small drops or “sprinklers”. These drops are sprayed by mechanical devices, known as sprinklers, which are designed to distribute the water evenly over the soil surface. Components of …

Guide for Constructing Chinampas in Modern Agriculture

Chinampas are a traditional farming system traditionally used by ancient Mesoamerican cultures and can be effectively adapted and applied in modern agriculture. Below is a step-by-step guide for farmers interested in establishing chinampas in modern times: 1. Site Selection: 2. Chinampa System Design: 3. Chinampa Construction: 4. Soil Preparation: 5. Planting and Cultivation: 6. Irrigation …

Flood Irrigation – Irrigation Systems

Flood irrigation is a method of irrigation that involves temporarily flooding crop fields with water, allowing the liquid to be evenly distributed over the soil surface. This method is one of the oldest and simplest irrigation methods used in agriculture and has been practiced for centuries in various parts of the world. Here are more …

Chinampas: Sustainable and Traditional Agriculture System

Chinampas are a traditional agricultural system used by Mesoamerican cultures, especially by the Aztecs in the Valley of Mexico. These are artificial islands built on lakes or shallow swamps, where a variety of crops such as maize, beans, squash, and ornamental flowers were cultivated. The construction process of chinampas was quite ingenious and required specialized …

Gravity Irrigation – Irrigation Systems

Gravity irrigation is one of the oldest and simplest methods of irrigation used in agriculture. It relies on harnessing the force of gravity to carry water from an elevated source to the fields. In this system, water is transported through channels, ditches, or conduits from a natural source such as a river or reservoir to …