En nuestro Blog encontrarás artículos, noticias y recomendaciones de agricultura para mejorar tus cultivos.

Big weight loss in potato

Effects of not controlling relative humidity in room environments for potato storage.

All vegetables perform two survival mechanisms during post-harvest; Breathing and Perspiration, these allow them to use the nutritional reserves to cover the metabolic energy requirements (ATP). Specifically, respiration achieves obtaining ATP, however, during the time it remains in storage places, and due to unavoidable physical forces, the water that makes up the structure of each …

Operations of a fruit and vegetable packing plant.

clasification in packing plant

Generally, the operations of each packing plant differ according to the processes involved in each type of product, but they all tend to follow a basic line of techniques that can be summarized in three main sections: selection or classification, washing, disinfection, and Postharvest treatments. The FAO defines “Postharvest” as the moment in which the …

Effect of humic and fulvic acids in soils with salinity and sodicity problems.

191 Funciones de las Sustancias Humicas Acidos Fulvicos

Humic Acids. Are complex organic molecules formed by the decomposition of organic matter. These directly influence the fertility of the soil, while contributing significantly to its stability, influencing the absorption of nutrients and, as a direct consequence, the exceptional growth of the plant. Fulvic acids. They are molecules of low molecular weight, extremely complex, soluble …