En nuestro Blog encontrarás artículos, noticias y recomendaciones de agricultura para mejorar tus cultivos.

The problem of algae in irrigation strips

Greenhouse and commercial nursery crops require large amounts of good quality water. On average, the estimated daily water requirement is 22,000 gallons per acre for greenhouses and about 27,000 gallons per acre for nurseries. Because water is such an essential element, business operations need to maintain water sources of sufficient quantity and quality to grow …

Natural auxinic hormones

Auxins Auxins are plant growth hormones due to their ability to stimulate differential growth in response to light stimuli. They are the phytohormones that play the most important role in the development of plants. Four natural auxins synthesized by plants have been described: IAA, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA), and phenylacetic acid (PAA). In …

“Check List” for the beginning of the Crop Season

All crops, whether direct seeding or transplant, require certain specific conditions to achieve success in the early stages of their cycle and therefore have optimal development and production; As a check list or list of requirements, we can mention: Once you have the above elements, it is safer to be successful in planting or transplanting …

Synthetic auxins

As mentioned in previous articles, auxins are natural substances, derived from plant metabolism, which are produced with the aim of activating or inhibiting certain processes within the plant. The auxinic phytohormone par excellence is Indoleacetic Acid, which is derived from the amino acid tryptophan, through specific metabolic pathways. These routes are also shared by some …