En nuestro Blog encontrarás artículos, noticias y recomendaciones de agricultura para mejorar tus cultivos.

“Check List” for the beginning of the Crop Season

All crops, whether direct seeding or transplant, require certain specific conditions to achieve success in the early stages of their cycle and therefore have optimal development and production; As a check list or list of requirements, we can mention: Once you have the above elements, it is safer to be successful in planting or transplanting …

Synthetic auxins

As mentioned in previous articles, auxins are natural substances, derived from plant metabolism, which are produced with the aim of activating or inhibiting certain processes within the plant. The auxinic phytohormone par excellence is Indoleacetic Acid, which is derived from the amino acid tryptophan, through specific metabolic pathways. These routes are also shared by some …

Phenological stages of Chile cultivation.

Germination and emergence: The pre-emergence period varies between 8 and 12 days, and is faster when the temperature is higher. Almost any damage that occurs during this period has lethal consequences and this is the stage in which the maximum mortality occurs. Seedling growth: After the development of the cotyledonal leaves, the growth of true …

Purex Biosanitizer to prevent plant suffocation.

Purex Biosanitizer, as already mentioned, is an excellent alternative as a disinfectant for fruits and vegetables. However, Purex Biosanitizer can be applied to the soil and represents a good alternative as a disinfectant, decompactant and acidifier, thus improving its physicochemical and biological properties. Adding a mixture with Purex Biosanitizer, the soil loosens and makes an …

Citrus Terpenes as Protection.

Fruits and vegetables contain antibodies that defend them from external attacks by bacteria and fungi. Unfortunately not all cultures contain as high concentrations as others. Like citrus fruits, for example, these contain terpenes that help fight any type of bacteria and fungi. Grupo Fagro isolated these terpenes from citrus fruits to create this organic biofungicide …

Peroxy-acetic acid – Alternative in disinfection.

PEROXY-ACETIC ACID, A SAFE ALTERNATIVE TO DISINFECTION WITH CHLORINE Microorganisms of different families and varieties will always be found in water, in the environment and even in food. Some of them are part of the processes of life. For example, omnivorous beings need a certain type and quantity of microbes in our digestive system, because …