Avoid mechanical damage and lubricate your machinery.

The importance of avoiding mechanical damage to post-harvest fruits and vegetables.

Companies dedicated to food processing have the health and safety of their customers as a priority. Meeting high standards of sanitation and hygiene is essential from production to the moment the food reaches the end user. The use of lubricants for food machinery is crucial to ensure efficiency, however, contaminations can occur, so it is vital that they select the right lubricant with consideration of the regulations that must be met to ensure food safety.

avocado machinery

Food companies cannot use the industrial lubricants that are commonly used in machinery used for other productions, they have to lean towards a specific type that is called a food grade lubricant. Also considered as incidental contact oil, it is specifically designed to comply with the strict regulations in the sector.

In the post-harvest area, the lubricant is essential to avoid mechanical damage between fruits or vegetables that in the end generate injuries if proper handling is not done with food-grade lubricants. To solve this problem, at Fagro Post Harvest Solutions we created Purex Lube, a special lubricant. for application on rollers, bands and surfaces where the fruits and vegetables that are packed run. This prevents mechanical damage that can later have an effect on shelf life.