Tag «Irrigation»

Irrigation and Water Management in Onion Cultivation

DALL·E 2024 08 19 12.22.14 A highly realistic 16 9 image depicting the hands of a farmer holding water, gently releasing droplets onto a young onion plant. The focus is on the t

Importance of Irrigation in Onion Cultivation Proper irrigation management is essential for onion cultivation, as the water supply directly influences growth, bulb development, and the quality of the final product. Well-managed irrigation not only ensures high yields but also minimizes the risk of diseases associated with excess moisture or water deficiency. Water Requirements of Onion …

Irrigation and Water Management in Potato Cultivation

DALL·E 2024 08 16 17.08.13 A realistic image of a farmer watering potato plants in a field. The farmer is using a watering can or hose to carefully water the base of each potato

Importance of Irrigation in Potato Cultivation Proper irrigation management is crucial for the success of potato cultivation. This crop has a significant water demand due to its relatively short growth cycle and the need to form high-quality tubers. Irrigation must be carefully managed to ensure a sufficient water supply without causing waterlogging, which can lead …

The irrigation systems in agriculture.

DALL·E 2024 04 26 13.15.12 A highly realistic image of a furrow irrigation system in an agricultural field. The image shows a furrow zurco with water flowing through it surro

What are irrigation systems? Irrigation systems are sets of techniques, methods, and devices used to supply water to crops in a controlled and efficient manner. The main objective of these systems is to provide the right amount of water at the right time to meet the water needs of plants and maximize their growth and …

Parameters to ensure the quality of irrigation water.

Salinity sodicity alkalinity and specific ionic toxicity in water

The quality of the waters, together with the quantity, is one of the indicators of the environmental systems component to calculate the environmental sustainability index that considers the ability of countries to protect the environment in the coming decades. There are variables with greater use which are: salinity, sodicity, alkalinity and specific ionic toxicity and …